Fatherhood Training Initiative


Fatherhood Training Initiative


“A crisis of fatherlessness exists in America”. So states the National Fatherhood Initiative located in Germantown, Maryland. A Future and A Hope Foundation agrees with that assessment and a review of family research literature confirms it. Children in father-absent homes are almost 4 times more likely to be poor. They will have significantly higher rates of delinquent behavior, higher incarceration rates, higher teen pregnancy rates, higher infant mortality rates, higher drug and alcohol abuse rates and higher obesity levels. Absent fathers are having a devastating impact on their child’s development and future.

A Future and A Hope Foundation seeks to reverse this trend in absent fathers. In partnership with the National Fatherhood Initiative, the Foundation plans to offer training that will equip fathers with the necessary skills they need to nurture their children and become 24/7 dads. A father that is actively participating in the lives of his children 24 hours a day, 7days a week. In March of 2016, Dan Haas will visit the National Fatherhood Initiative offices. He will be reviewing all fatherhood training curriculum training materials and discussing best practices for establishing a dynamic Fatherhood Training program in Aurora. The goal of the Foundation is to have Fatherhood Training available to local men by the Fall of 2016.